Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Resources to keep your Christian Integration sharp

Here is an excellent resource just for the US history teacher.

This next is one is primarily for the students. Unfortunately, it is out of print but is written by the best Christian scholars (Mark Noll, George Marsden, Harry Stout, Edwin Gaustad, etc.). As you can see, you can get it used for very little cash. It has loads of primary sources and discusses aspects of America’s religious history as no secular text would even touch. If you decide to get a copy, I’ll be glad to send you the questions I use for several of the readings. I recommend practically anything by the above authors. Marsden is superb on the history of American fundamentalism and Mark Noll's specialty is antebellum America (Check out his book America's God from Jonathan Edwards to Lincoln - pretty detailed treatment). Harry Stout wrote a book a couple years ago called Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War. If you go to Amazon you'll find a mint.

Now here's an author that is controversial but a superb historian and an evangelical Christian too. His name is Steven Keillor (no relation to Garrison although he is from Minnesota!) and has written several books, the most recent being God's Judgments: Interpreting History and Christian Faith. Well-documented and poses some fascinating questions on how we can look at the judgment of God as an aspect of history. Case studies include 9/11 and the Civil War among others.

There are many others I could recommend - several anthologies about interpreting history from a Christian perspective but these will keep us all busy for a long time.Enjoy!

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